
Q: Where is VTLove Massage located?

A: VTLove Massage is conveniently located at 109 Professional Drive Morrisville, VT 05661.

Mobile massage services are offered in the client’s home, hotel, Air BnB or place of business. Please email tiffiny@vtlovemassage.com for mobile massage, retreat and corporate requests.

Q: Do I have to completely disrobe to receive massage? 
A: Clients are asked to disrobe to their discretion. Massage therapy is typically provided with the client disrobed, but it is completely up to you on how much you disrobe. Every client will be adequately draped with linens to respect your privacy and keep you warm, only the body area that is being worked on at any given time will be exposed. Your therapist will not be present in the room that you are disrobing in.

Q: Are there medical conditions that contraindicate massage? 

A: Yes, there are certain medical diagnoses that would deem massage unsafe. It is important to inform your massage therapist of any medical conditions prior to your session to allow your therapist to ensure you are safely receiving massage therapy. Both a completed intake form and quick consultation with your massage therapist allows you the opportunity to share this information.

Q: I’m looking for mobile massage, do you offer that?

A: Yes, mobile massage is available. Please email Tiffiny@vtlovemassage.com or call 802 585 4634 to book. You will be asked to complete either an online or in person intake form. I will show up to the provided service address with all the required equipment and supplies to successfully provide the service(s) you are seeking. A space will need to be provided by the client that is large enough to accommodate a massage table and enough space for your therapist to move around the table safely.

Q: My location of service requires paid parking, am I (the client) responsible to cover that cost? 

A: The booking client is responsible to pay any parking fees that are required for your massage therapist to park on site.

Q: I need to cancel my massage, what is the policy for cancellations? 

A: The health and wellness of all clients is of utmost importance to me. To ensure that all clients are treated fairly and are able to receive treatment in a timely manner, VT Love Massage Therapy LLC asks that you provide at least 48 hours notice online, by phone call, text or email if you need to change, reschedule or cancel your appointment. If you cancel your appointment with more than 48 hours notice of your original appointment date/time, there is no charge. If you cancel your appointment within 48 hours of your original appointment date/time you will be charged 50% of the service(s) originally booked. If your massage therapist arrives to the location of service and you are not present this is considered a no show and will be charged 100% of the service(s) booked. Exceptions are made for emergencies that are out of your control.